Jan Patík
He developed a taste for history in his youth and now he uses it to impress the ladies. Instead of dry facts, he bet on the music bars. He shakes a leg, talks, dances – simply going crazy!
He has been dancing history since 1994, first here and there, now organized in the groups: Šlojíř, Chorea Historica, Alla Danza and now participating in the A Balli project. In the world of dancing, he has been lucky to meet and be guided by a number of teachers, for example E. Kroschlová, D. Scrivener, D. Wolterboer, L. Baert, F. Dofek, K. Doležalová, H. Tillmanová – those not listed will forgive him… He could be seen dancing on the silver screen a few times. In the field of historical dance, he focuses on the reconstruction of contemporary choreographies and on the search for corresponding poems. Besides dancing, he recites, speaks and, thank God, doesn’t sing on the stage (for he would stay there alone). He tried theatre under the direction of M. Pokorný; hopefully, it’s left its mark.